Friday, March 28, 2014

Alternative Assignment:

Marine Mammal Trainers Blog:
I think it’s remarkable how these marine mammal trainers are able to get a strong relationship with these creatures such as the seal. It’s nice to see that they can be loving and obedient to their trainer. Especially that they have the ability to do these amazing tricks willingly.
Giant Ocean Tank Divers Blog:
It’s crazy that there is a fish out there as flat as a pancake, even more amazing that they were able to put that fish in the giant ocean tank for everyone to observe! It’s also cool to see how their scales can blend in with seaweeds to hide from predators and with their small mouth, but very shark teeth, they can eat many things.
Penguin Blog:
When the penguins were removed from their location for a while for reconstruction of the tank, it was remarkable to see that once the penguins were back the majority of them went back to the same location with the same pairs to mark their territory. Although, their were brand new penguins who had to adapt to the new location and find their own piece of territory.
Marine Animal Rescue Team Blog:
It’s remarkable to see that they truly care about their marine animals that they even give them doctor check ups. Such as turtle #67 who needed  bronchoscopy. The turtle’s bronchoscopy is very similar to one a human may have; using a scope with a light on it to observe the lungs. During this bronchoscopy, they noticed nothing to be wrong with the lungs, but decided to conduct a new test on turtle #67 to make sure he lives.
Global Explorers Blog:

It’s very impressive that these scientists can conducted new inventions to help conserve the water and in a way that is interesting. It makes me proud of these scientists for doing everything possible to make sure these marine creatures survive. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Geologic- Biologic Time Line

This activity was interesting to me. It helped share with me how each animal developed into the common animal now. At first, I believed that the oldest creatures were the dinosaurs, but this assignment proved me wrong. There was the Cambrian, Silivran, Devonian, etc. It was interesting to see how the cambrian lived mostly underwater, but by the silivran they started to walk on land. I participated in this group by finding the facts, cutting out the shadow of the octavion creature, and sculpted the fossil. It was a really interesting project that helped me understand how the animals that walk on this world came about.